Department of Dermatology, Venereal & Leprosy

Our department at present is the main referral centre for DVL cases in and around four districts and taking care of rural population. Our department functions from morning 8 am till evening 4 pm. Emergency calls are being attended by the duty doctors as per the schedule. It is compulsory for them to present the cases to the teaching staffs and after getting their opinion the treatment is given. We organize special health education programs, camps. We celebrate international important health care related diseases days like, world psoriasis day and world AIDS day of every year. We conduct special programs, health exhibition and patient counseling regarding their disease status. For the benefit of the patients we extended our services as special follow up clinics for psoriasis and leprosy on two days a week from 2pm- 4pm.

Academic Teaching programs: Post graduates are trained to present short topics every day as per schedule and in rotation all the teaching faculty are given incharge. We are regularly conducting long case is discussion, seminars in dermatology, Leprosy and STD topics, Journal clubs, symposium, debate and Quiz between postgraduates. Everyday all the postgraduates who are posted in respected opds will bring the cases and discussed by Head and teaching staff. Every day ward rounds will be taken by staeaching staff as per the time table and grand rounds are being conducted on every Monday where entire department staff and postgraduates will be attending that. All the inpatient cases will be discussed in detail.

Special postings (in hospital and outside): All MD (DVL) Post graduates are regularly posted in following dermatology related departments during their 2nd year of post graduation as follows: General medicine (6 weeks), Pathology (4 weeks), Micro biology (2 weeks) and Plastic surgery (2 weeks). Our Post graduates are regularly posted in Govt hospital for extending our DVL care for the poor patients in this district.



Designation:PROFESSOR & HEAD